

(Discipleship, Radical, Under, Ground)


Brutal and dense cloud of darkness, despair and and ignorance of God covers our subterranean generation, which, like the generation, which, like all others that have existed, is dying in a great search, sometimes dies in a great search, sometimes unconscious, for the remains of something extremely valuable the remains of something extremely valuable but lost for most human beings for most human beings; the real and true knowledge of God.... real and true knowledge of God... For this reason we have made a great effort to to write this material that you hold in your hands, it is mainly addressed mainly addressed to the whole Underground scene, composed by Rockers, Metalheads, Goths, Punks, Hardcoreros, Bikers, etc... Hoping with all our heart that through these writings through these writings, your probably wrong concept of God wrong concept of God, will be changed for the better, and at the same that through this content, you can not only understand, but experience spiritual understand, but experience supernatural spiritual experiences that will mark your life in a before and an after, such as such as: to be born again, to die to your self and your past life, to truly believe in God, to truly believe in God, to truly believe in God, to truly believe in God and to truly your past life, truly believing in God, healing, deliverance, revelation of his word or deliverance, revelation of his word or the manifestation and filling of his manifestation and filling of His Spirit, but above all Salvation, all this in an eternal and supernatural in an eternal and supernatural dimension with your Creator.

This book D.R.U.G. whose acronym stands for (Discipleship, Radical, Under, Ground), is a material designed especially for those underground especially for those subway who are just getting to know this who are just getting to know this proposal and the message of Jesus Christ, who wish to enter into this marvelous world of walking with God, giving themselves world of walking with God, giving themselves an opportunity for an extreme and radical transformation. for an extreme and radical transformation, it is a narrative from our narrative from our subway heart and a compilation of and a compilation of fundamentally Biblical information, along with personal experiences and other commentaries from different sources or authors, with the purpose of getting you started and so that you can get started and grow with a good foundation in the knowledge of God. knowledge of God, so that you can establish a personal relationship with you can establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in a permanent, brutal and lasting way.

This book, manual or course, however you want to look at it, is is composed of seven chapters that you should read carefully, but more than anything else, study it and reread it as many times as necessary. as many times as necessary, you will find many scriptures scriptures that we suggest you to look up and underline in your Bible as well as concepts that have helped us to remain in the faith for many years. us to remain in the faith for many years, thanks to God.

If you have any questions, doubts or comments feel free to communicate with us:


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The Underground Bible on Facebook

We also meet every Saturday at the booth of La Every Saturday we also meet at the stand of La Biblia Subterránea at El Chopo. you like, meanwhile be very welcome to this first D.R.U.G. book. book D.R.U.G., May it be of real and extreme blessing to all who have ears, may God bless you. may it be of real and extreme blessing to all who have ears, may God bless you brutally.

Thank you very much

Miguel Martinez Salazar


Chapter I:

Psalms 14:1 " Says the Fool in his heart There is no God ....

"If God existed there would not be so much wickedness, poverty and disease on earth" say some, others argue: "Man creates God and his own gods", those those declare: "Those who believe in God are weak-minded", philosophers assert "God is dead", the Bible is fairy tales or stories of a friend's fairy tales or stories of an imaginary friend, and many others assert that "we are all gods". that "we are all gods or everything is God", are just a few examples of are just a few examples of the arguments that human beings have preferred to believe human being has preferred to believe in order to live ignoring God. The result of this ideology is a violent humanity, addicted, ambitious, empty, enslaved and destroyed humanity that we see today all over the world. all over the world today.

While it is true that the earth is corrupted by wickedness, poverty and disease, it is evil, poverty and disease, it is necessary to observe that it is man who has that it is man who has been in charge of this, often inspired by the inspired by the evil one, because God's desire and plan for us would never be this God's desire and plan for us would never be this. perfect world that we have been in charge of destroying eventually.

It is man who has been in charge of eventually.

It is also very true that man makes for himself gods of stone, wood, wood, stone, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood of stone, wood, gold, etc., gods that neither see nor hear, but no man see and hear, but no man can create or give life to the Creator of the universe. Creator of the universe.

To cite an example: On one occasion when I was talking to an atheist, he told me with all certainty atheist, he said to me with all certainty "I am god, I am god, and I asked him if you are god. and I asked him if you are god then could you stop a storm? The answer is quite evident. Unfortunately, many only look to God in case of an emergency, when they have a serious problem. emergency, when they have a serious problem or when they are in a or when they are on the verge of death as a last hope (which means that they last hope (which means that God occupies the last place in their lives). last place in their lives. A Vessel suggests the existence of a potter, but Can the Vessel beget the Potter? evidence of a watchmaker, but can a watch mass-produce human beings? make mass-produce human beings, Obviously not.

It seems incredible that as men being a creation, more excellent and intelligent than any other created, we arrive at this sad question Does God Exist?.

A Theory by definition is a speculative speculative, of something that has not been proven. It is are not absolute truths where it would be worthwhile to cement our life or thought. to cement our life or thought. However, we have our lives many times on these false theories, sometimes even fables. false theories, sometimes even fables. For example, think about which is the most accepted theory of creation, and you will see that it leads you to God. and you will see that it leads you to God. If for you it is the Big Bang theory, who put all that matter and energy in a cosmic egg? matter and energy in a cosmic egg before exploding? Where did it come from? If according to the laws of science nothing is created or destroyed, it is only transformed, then where does that matter and energy come from if not from God? Maybe you have an argument that you consider very good argument to want to deny the existence of God, but it will never it will never outweigh the reality of the fact that "He Exists".

2a Corinthians 10:5 " Casting down arguments and every high thing which exalteth itself against the knowledge of God....

Many people think that to talk about God is synonymous with religion, hypocrisy, boredom, or that the imposing actions, behaviors or crimes of the actions, behaviors or crimes of religious institutions show us who God is. religious institutions show us who God is, and this is a serious mistake. is a serious mistake, one thing is God and another very different is religion. is religion.

In the whole world there are hundreds of religions, and thousands of gods just in of gods only in India there are hundreds of thousands of gods. gods, it is a land where ironically thousands of people die of hunger of people die of hunger next to the food that God has provided them provided (like cows, which they worship as gods), which is meaningless. which is meaningless.

But also everywhere in the world, thousands of people are starving to death. But also in all parts of the world, even more so every day, new movements of every day new movements of religions, philosophies, hollow philosophies, hollow subtleties, doctrines or sects in different countries and in all strata of the world. in different countries and in all social strata, but it is very important to understand that Jesus Christ himself it is very important to understand that Jesus Christ himself "came not to bring a religion did not come to bring a religion" but a personal relationship with God, the Creator of the universe. God the Creator of the universe, for which He said: John 14:6 I am The Way, The Truth and The Life and no one comes to the Father except through me...

This means that The truth is not in any of the thousands of religions that may thousands of religions that may exist, nor in the millions of gods or prophets of gods or prophets that we could invent or worship, but in one person, his name is Jesus Christ. Religions are enormous structures or systems of thought systems of thought full of norms, rules, rites and traditions, mostly traditions, mostly imposed by men, but Jesus Himself said that in vain do we honor Him teaching as doctrines the commandments of men, sometimes even these are established by means of violence in of violence in supposed conquests or holy wars, persecutions of supposed heretics or witches and at other times established through established by means of traditions, deception, myths or threats, deceptions, myths or threats. These have nothing to do with the true message, life and work of Jesus Christ, did not kill anyone, nor did he impose any belief on anyone, he only gave us a message of power and love. message of power and love, as well as a different example where he put into practice what he example where he put into practice what he preached. relationship with God must be based only on true love, surrender and faith towards a true love, surrender and faith towards Him, not on religions, even though they may contain some good things, they are not good things, they are not founded on Jesus, which is the main foundation. main foundation.


You may wonder if God exists, why can't I see, hear or touch him? see, hear or touch him, and this is because God belongs to another plane, a different God belongs to another plane, a spiritual realm different from the natural one of us. the natural one, but the point is that even if we want to connect with Him to connect with Him, our own unrighteous and evil actions prevent us from prevent us from accessing that realm, there being a sort of veil that separates us a kind of veil that separates us, in fact it is written that the god of this that the god of this age (with a lower case "d", that is, Satan) has blinded us. Satan) has blinded us, so that the light of the gospel and its glory do not shine on us. the light of the gospel and its glory, that is to say, sin separates us from God and has separates us from God and has broken every line of communication communication with Him, be it visual, auditory, emotional or spiritual. link is deteriorated, which is too unfortunate, but there is good news. but there is good news, Christ came to restore that relationship that was restore that relationship that had been lost between God and mankind, of which human beings, which we will talk about later.

On the other hand, we must understand that not all of us have the same relationship with God. On the other hand, we must understand that not all things that God has created can be seen. that God has created can be seen, such as air, electricity or electromagnetic electricity or electromagnetic radio waves, as well as infra red or ultraviolet light. as well as infra red or ultraviolet light, they are not seen but they exist and we realize that they exist by their effect. in this same way:
"God makes himself clearly visible by means of his awesome creation."
Who said God can't be seen, when we can see him everywhere...

Who said we can't see God? we can see him everywhere...

Consider carefully the following scripture and seek to extract some revelation.

Romans 1: 19 For that which is known of God is manifest to them, for God has manifest, for God hath made it manifest unto them, because the things invisible things of him, his eternal power and deity, have been made clearly visible from the creation of the world, being understood by the understood by means of the things that are made, so that they are that they are without excuse, because, having known God, they have not glorified him as God, nor gave thanks to him, but became vain in their but became vain in their own conceits, and their foolish heart was darkened their foolish heart was darkened, and professing to be wise, they became and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of a incorruptible into the likeness of the image of a corruptible man corruptible, and of birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God God also gave them over to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts lusts of their hearts, so that they dishonored their own dishonored their own bodies among themselves, for they exchanged the exchanged the truth of God for a lie, honoring and worshipping creatures rather than worshipping the creatures rather than the creator, who is blessed forever. blessed forever Amen.
We could spend a lifetime arguing on the subject of the existence of God, but it is better to leave existence of God, but it is better to stop wasting our time and to time and open ourselves to believe, God exists, He is there and He has always God exists, he is there and always has been, even if we cannot see him with our natural eyes, we can see him, feel him, feel him natural eyes, we can see it, feel it, experience it or hear it in our inner hear in our interior, in the dimension where He dwells. dares, dare, you have nothing to lose.

Chapter II


Jesus in the Great Difference of all human beings. Of the nearly 120 billion people estimated to have walked this earth, without a doubt of the nearly 120,000 million people who are estimated to have walked this earth, without a doubt the most outstanding, outstanding and extraordinary outstanding, outstanding and extraordinary being that has ever Jesus Christ, to this day known in a special way in almost every language, language known in a special way in almost every Language, Tribe and Nation. More than two thousand years ago he made the difference of all others. others. Some conceive him as a simple Man, Personage, Prophet, Initiate or Master from among many others, but others, but unfortunately few recognize him as what he really is, the Son of God. what he really is, the Son of God and God with us. Some characteristics that differentiate Him from the rest of the Men:

A) Historically there are no records of any other being who has performed the Signs, Miracles and wonders that He did. He did (Including, any personage such as Buddha, Muhammad, Gandhi, Nostradamus, etc...). Like healing the sick, cleansing the sick, cleansing lepers, resurrecting the dead, or casting out demons out demons, to cite just a few examples.

B) Christ alone, divided the world. B) Christ alone divided history into Before and After Him. He, because of His transcendence we live in the year 2024 A.D. (after Him)

B) Christ alone, divided History into Before and After Him. (after Him)
C) He gave His life as a sacrifice out of love, voluntarily in ransom for many, having been able to avoid his condemnation His divinity, He chose to offer Himself as a living sacrifice. living sacrifice.
D) The Message, philosophy, doctrine and his example of love and eternal life is unique, most consistent eternal life is unique, more consistent, substantable and far superior to any other. superior to any other.
E) He rose from the Dead and His tomb is empty.

F) There are Prophecies about Him, written hundreds or even thousands of years before He came. thousands of years before He came, which have been fulfilled to the fulfilled to the letter, as well as the prophecies that He has prophecies that he declared for this last time have been fulfilled and will be fulfilled, as is time, just as it is coming to pass.

G) He is the greatest revolutionary and conqueror that has ever ever existed, with a scope of extension of his kingdom on earth far beyond any on earth far above any other conqueror, and he achieved it without conqueror, and he achieved it without shedding anyone else's blood, but his own. but his own blood. JESUS IS NOT DEAD NOR ON A CROSS

We can no longer visualize Him as someone dead on a cross on a cross, for He was only there for a few hours, then He was buried, but on the third day He was buried, but on the third day He was resurrected and today He lives, He is not He is not nailed to a cross or buried in a tomb. It is important to eliminate all religious and mistaken wrong concept about Christ, in order to be able to conceive his true essence and greatness. essence and greatness, perhaps you visualize him as someone very as someone very distant or religious or you identify him as a wooden or plaster figure with a wooden or plaster figure with scratches and wounds with droplets of blood on his blood drops on his body, still nailed to a cross and dead or dying, all of that dead or dying, you must discard all that because it is completely wrong. completely wrong, that indeed happened and much more grotesque, but much more grotesque, but that is past tense, Jesus Christ is alive today.


As we get to know him a little more each time, his work, his message, his stance on life and his rebelliousness against the religious and the and against the structures of power, it is very clear to me that if he had come that if he would have come alone to the people who are in the underground at this time, you can be sure that he would not come with a white in a white robe, nor in religious attire, much less ostentatious, but dressed and talking like any of us, underground. like any of us, subway, why not Rocker or Metalhead? or Metalero, but obviously, without evil, without cursing, with love, power and authority. love, power and authority. Although many religions have used at their convenience the name of Jesus, and have put a smear of Jesus Christ to their doctrine, the Jesus Christ to their doctrine, the reality is that the great, great majority are not even remotely are not even remotely based on Him, nor on His message, much less on His message, nor in his message, much less in his works or actions, in most cases it is only about money, power and influence. and influence.

Jesus did not come to establish one more Religion, there are already enough, but to bring us a change. enough of them, but to bring us a radical change from death to life, from darkness to life, from darkness to light and to bring us a true relationship with God.

Jesus did not come to establish one more relationship with God.

Religion, from the Latin "Religare" or Religar, is man's effort to reconcile, to reconcile man's effort to reconcile, reconnect or reconnect with God. God, an effort that will never work no matter how hard it is but Jesus dwelling among us and giving his life in sacrifice is the His life in sacrifice, is God's effort to restore the relationship between Man and God that had been the relationship between Man and God that had been lost. Jesus is empathetic with humanity, and he identifies with us:

*For the dead he is the Resurrection. *For the orphan he manifests himself as Father. *For the needy as Friend.

*To the lost he is The Savior.

*To the poor as The Hidden Treasure. *To him the carpenter as The Door.

*To the farmer he is manifested as the sower. *To the builder it is the cornerstone.

*To the fisherman he is the fisher of men.

*For the sick he is the healing physician. *Bread of Life for the hungry.

*Living water for the thirsty. Some Names as he is known:
* IXOYE (Jesus, Christ, God, Son, Savior)
* Messiah
* Christ
* The Son of God
* The Son of Man
* The Lamb of God
* The Lion of Judah
* The Serpent of Bronze
Alpha and Omega
* The Alpha and Omega
* The First and the Last
The Faithful and True
* The True and Faithful
* The One who was dead but now lives
* The Savior
* The Rabbi
* The Word
* The Light of the World
* The Salt of the earth
* The Door
* The Shepherd of the sheep
* King of kings
Lord of Lords
* The Lord of Lords
* God Himself
* The Lord of Lords
* God Himself.
So when we speak of who Jesus Christ is, we are not referring to someone who "was" but to someone who "was we are not referring to someone who "was", but to someone who "is", one who is still alive and operating or working today. Flavius Josephus, a well known historian of the First Century expresses in a valuable historical document, (the passage of Antiquities XVIII, 63), the Antiquities XVIII, 63) the following:
"By this time Jesus lived, a wise man, if he can be called a man. can be called a man. For he carried out extraordinary works extraordinary works and was a teacher of those who accept the truth well disposed. the truth. He won over many Jews and many Greeks. many Greeks. He was the Messiah. When he was accused by Pilate condemned Him to be crucified, those who had originally loved Him did not love Him. crucified, those who had originally loved Him did not cease to do so. for He appeared to them on the third day, returned to life, like the prophets of the and was restored to life, as the prophets of the godhead had prophesied, besides other prophesied, besides other wonders concerning Him. And the tribe of Christians, so called by Him, has not disappeared to this day. disappeared to this day."
Impressive description, don't you think...

It is important that by reading the history and the word of God your own criteria and determination of who Jesus is and not rely on what you think. Jesus and do not rely on what we have been told by either the religious or secular religious or secular side, let alone the atheist or anti-Christian side, particularly in the darkest underground scene, where we are the darkest underground scene, where we are often incited to hate God, blaspheme against Jesus, or believe Him to be non-existent, without even knowing Him. even know him, that is absurd, you can't hate someone you don't know. who you don't know, don't let anyone lead you to that.

It is understood that we can reject and repudiate hypocrisy and evil works. hypocrisy and the evil deeds that organized religion has done in its name in its name, because it certainly has done and continues to do atrocities atrocities and continue to do, but that has nothing to do with who Jesus was that has nothing to do with who Jesus really was, what his message was and what he really did in deeds and in supernatural power. supernatural.

But the best way to know who Christ is, is to have a personal relationship and revelation with Him. a personal relationship and revelation with Him.

But who is Jesus Christ? Who is Jesus Christ? This is the most important question important question you could ever answer. Your whole life, both now and eternity, is based on your genuine, heart-understood response to that your heart's genuinely understood answer to that question. question.

Almost every person seems to have a concept about who Jesus Christ is, but most people's opinions are far from the truth. people are quite far from the truth. To discover biblically who Jesus biblically who Jesus really is and all about what He is and did, you must consider what He is and did, you must consider what Jesus said about Himself, and what He about Himself, and what those who truly knew Him (friends and who really knew Him (friends and enemies) said about Him about Him, we will find all of this in the most authoritative spiritual book in of the highest spiritual authority there is, The Bible.

What did Jesus say about Himself? What did Jesus say about Himself?

Jesus made quite a few amazing statements about who He was. who He was. We invite you to consult the following following scriptures and consider His claims.

John 8:51-58, John 10:24-33, Matthew 26:62-66,

Liar, Lunatic or the Lord of All?

Some people today are willing to believe that. Jesus was some kind of sage and moral teacher, but they are not willing to acknowledge that He was God. willing to acknowledge that He was God. There is a big problem and contradiction with this type of thinking. If Jesus was not really God as He said He was, then He could not be a sage or moral teacher, and at the same time be a liar or a lunatic. and at the same time be a liar or a lunatic. There is no way He could There is no way He could have been a cheat or a fool and still be moral and wise. madman and still be moral and wise. These things simply do not do not fit. We must conclude that was either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord of all, and the evidence shows him to be Lord of all.

What did others say about him?

Jesus' disciples also made many remarkable statements about who Jesus was.

Consult the following scriptures: Matthew 16:13-17, John 20:28, John 1:14, John 1:14. 20:28, John 1:14-18, John 1:49, Matthew 27:54, Mark 3:11-12, Luke 8:26-28.

How does Jesus prove His deity?

As you have seen, it is quite clear that Jesus declared Himself to be the Son of God. Son of God, equal with God the Father, God Himself and many others. Himself and many others. But Jesus did more than declare it, He proved it over and over again. Jesus performed multitude of miracles while He was on earth, that no mortal man could have done. Read the following verses below and explain how Jesus demonstrated His power, and proved His deity. Luke 5:17-26, Luke 8:22-25, Luke 7:11-16.

What is the greatest proof that declares Jesus to be the Son of God? of God?

Undoubtedly the greatest proof by which He demonstrated His divinity was the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. divinity, was the resurrection from the dead, a thing insurmountable by any insurmountable by any impostor, imitator, prophet or pseudo-deity, you may pseudodeity, you can corroborate the information in the following verses following verses: Matthew 28:1-10, Luke 24:1-8, and 36-43, Acts 1:1-10, Luke 24:1-8, and Acts 1:1-10. 36-43, Acts 1:3, and Acts 2:22-36. The importance of the deity of Christ Jesus. Not only did Jesus claim to be the Son of God, He also claimed to be the Son of God. Jesus not only claimed to be the Son of God, He proved it. This means that His words need to be taken seriously. This means that His words need to be taken very seriously. Every word He said is true and must be true. must be true, this is God's Word to us, our lives depend on it. our lives depend on it. With this in mind let us consider something that Jesus said very clearly:

With this in mind let us consider something that Jesus said very clear:

John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Chapter III


Ps. 8:4 I say, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? memory, and the son of man that thou shouldest visit him? The Origin of Man according to the Bible Gen. 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, according to our likeness. image in our likeness, after our likeness, and let us Let him be Lord in the fish of the sea, in the fowl of the air, in the beasts, in all the beasts, and in all the earth, and in every creeping thing that creepeth upon the creeping upon the earth. And God created man in his own in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. he created them.

In this Biblical passage we find a concentrate of valuable information regarding the origin of man. valuable information on the origin of man, despite the opinions of atheistic evolutionists and atheistic evolutionists and false theories that assume that man is descended from that man descended from the monkey or others, but which cannot be proven by current scientific methods or scientific methods or findings, and require a great deal of imagination imagination and even faith to try to sustain themselves as to be sustained as a truth, since there is not enough evidence to support, let alone evidence to support, much less to prove, their theories. their theories. To which we can also add the non-existence of clear and the absence of clear and precise evidence of links between one species and another one species and another that could confirm a supposed evolutionary chain. evolutionary chain, yet we have had to accept that since childhood from our childhood at school, we have had to accept the theories of these theories of these, as if they were absolute truths, in fact, they are contradictory, since science is supposedly based on facts science is supposedly based on facts, proofs, evidence, tangible evidence and scientific proofs, yet without evidence, they have yet, without evidence they have imposed their lies on us.

Darwin's Theory

Darwin himself acknowledged the deficiency of his theory, when he writing in his treatise "The Origin of Species", the following the following:
"Why then, is it not full of those intermediate links at every intermediate links in every stratum and every Geological formation?, Geology does not reveal any organic chain so finely graded, which is, perhaps, the most obvious and serious objection which can be obvious and serious objection that can be raised against my Theory."
The situation of Darwin's theory has been getting worse and worse incessantly, in the course of the more than one hundred and sixty years since it was written. sixty years since it was written. The well-known Harvard paleontologist Harvard paleontologist, Stephen Jay Gould, pointed out:
"The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record remains the secret fossil record remains the secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our text-books have data only at the ends and at the nodes of their branches. the ends and at the nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, albeit to a reasonable reasonable degree, but it is not evidence from fossils. Truth is that even to this day the Fossils speak and give evidence that the creatures evidence that creatures appear fully formed and suddenly formed and suddenly, absent of change of direction during their during their presence on Earth and do not show a gradual change of that gradual change of that same species and much less of becoming becoming a different one, giving only evidence of God's direct intervention. of the direct intervention of God."
. Note: Although the purpose of this section is not to make an overly detailed study on these concepts, it is detailed study of these concepts, it is important to important to make some of these facts known. The origin of man is too complex a subject for those who complicate those who complicate their lives by establishing evolutionist theories evolutionary theories that cannot be proven, since we are not descended we are not descended from apes or any other species, nor have remains of the famous species, nor have any remains of the famous missing link or intermediate or intermediate species, and the evidence that is presented in some cases are only in some cases are only pieces of skulls which could have belonged to any that could have belonged to any species, animal or human. Let's understand, we are a completely unique creation. completely unique creation.

Reflection on the Creation of man:

When an archaeologist finds a stone in the shape of a rounded rounded shape, he surely determines that it was eroded by the current of some river by the current of a river, the wind or something similar, but if he finds a stone or obsidian carved in the shape of a spearhead or a spearhead or a well-detailed clay vessel, or even a large complex building or even a large complex construction, you will correctly conclude that an correctly conclude that an intelligent being gave this shape to the stone or clay or the stone or the clay or the building for some purpose, but we do not attribute these objects to chance, we do not believe that the earth, the wind, the we do not believe that the earth, the wind, the air and the changes of temperature of course not, of course not, why then attribute chance to the why then attribute chance to God's magnificent creation that is the human being? God's magnificent creation that is the human being. Man is undoubtedly the most excellent and intelligent creation that exists in the intelligent creation that exists as far as living beings are concerned, much more brutal than a carved stone or an earthenware vessel or any other or any building, man himself is enough evidence that a more excellent being is evidence that a more excellent being created us. Therefore we can no longer believe that man comes from chance. Therefore, we can no longer believe that man comes from chance, not to mention everything else of his creation such as the countless wonders of the planet earth, the stars of the planet earth, the stars and the universe, do not stain that you do not see it. who do not see it.


Gen 2:7 ¨...God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. living being.

Something very interesting is that the first man that God formed was called "Adam". was called "Adam", we all know that, what we don't know is that one of the translations know is that one of the translations for Adam is "Red", i.e., from the "Red", that is, the color of the earth, from which he was formed, and it is for this reason that he is formed, and it is for this reason that explains why the skin tones of the skin tones of the different human groups correspond exactly to the shades of the correspond exactly to the tonalities of the color of the earth generally the earth generally all over the world, there are no coincidences but coincidences, but reasons.

But the human being is not only matter, but also matter. But the human being is not just matter (body), but according to Gen.1:26 is made like God, therefore to understand the complete to understand the complete constitution of man we must first understand what God is like. we must first understand what God is like. For this it will be interesting to interesting to observe the term that appears in the verse verse quoted above:
Gen.1:26 "Let us make man."
Which is in the plural, i.e. it refers to someone else involved in creation, angels cannot be, for they do not have the power to create, so this someone else is none other than "He". is none other than "God Himself" in three persons, which is known as the Trinity of God. known as the Trinity of God, are three expressions, personalities or manifestations expressions, personalities or manifestations of the same God. God, as for example the water can be solid, liquid or gaseous without gaseous without losing its essence of water or an egg is a shell, white and eggshell, white and yolk without ceasing to be one. is also a source of heat and at the same time a source of light or radiation. source of heat and at the same time source of light or radiation. God exists in three persons to make himself known to his creation, so that we can creation, so that we can understand him better, God the Father, the Son The Father, The Son, who is Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit, in perfect unity, biblically in perfect unity, biblically according to:

1 John 5:7 1Jn.5:7 ¨For there are three that bear witness in heaven, The Father, The Word the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. are one.

Regarding the design and architecture of man we find in the New Testament something analogous. 1 Thess 5:23 ¨...and your whole being spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ.

Which tells us about the tri-unitary composition of man, similar to that of man. God-like composition of man: Spirit, Soul and Body, each part with very specific Body, each part with very specific and complementary characteristics. complementary.

The Body

It is the physical part, the shell of the human being, the flesh, the most perishable and least perishable part. the most perishable and least important part, but which we have given too much too much importance, satisfying all its demands, some of which are self-destructive. its demands, some of these self-destructive, at times unfortunately sometimes unfortunately we dedicate our lives to satisfy the desires of the flesh. the desires of the flesh. For its part, the human body body connects with the outside world through the 5 senses: touch, hearing, hearing senses: touch, hearing, taste, sight and smell.

Some branches of science, such as science, science, science, and science. Some branches of science such as medicine study all this and have in fact and in fact have developed many benefits for the human body, but it has for the human body, but it does not have and will not have a solution for all the diseases that can come to suffer from, given its complexity. given its complexity.

The Soul

The soul or psyche is immaterial and intangible and therefore eternal (never ceases to exist). eternal (never ceases to exist), but at the same time is very real, through the soul we have: thoughts, which is the mind and intelligence, emotions or feelings. the mind and intelligence, emotions or feelings, and the will or decision will or decision making, which interact many times with the human brain. many times with the human brain. Some branches of science and human knowledge, such as psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience or psychiatry, neuroscience or philosophy have made efforts to study or explore it for years and to study or explore it and the brain for years, but they still have no have no solution or answer for most of the questions questions, disorders, disorders, deviations, mental illnesses and ties that the human being can have in his soul. human beings can have in their souls.

The Spirit

It is the very essence of Man, sometimes referred to in the Bible as the Heart, the the Bible refers to him as the Heart, the deepest and most valuable the deepest and most valuable part, but at the same time the least explored or known. was placed by God in man with the main purpose of having communication and communion with Him to have communication and communion with Him, that is to speak with God, to to speak with God, to feel Him, to experience Him, to understand Him and to hear His voice. and listen to His voice, this part is known as communion. communion. Also in the spirit is installed the conscience consciousness is also installed in the spirit, with which, by the information recorded since his creation, man can know within himself if what he does is right or wrong, that is to say, if what he does is right or wrong. is right or wrong, i.e. the natural understanding of right and wrong is already good and evil is already registered in us.

Unfortunately, in most of us, the majority of us are not aware of this. Unfortunately, in the majority of men, the spirit remains practically dead due to the spirit remains practically dead because of man's ignorance ignorance and sin of man, science cannot penetrate into this area, for it cannot science cannot penetrate in this area, because it cannot see or touch the spirit. the spirit, they consider it to belong to the territory of the paranormal. paranormal.

The human spirit begins to operate by faith, it is here in this unexplored dimension, where the most supernatural and the greatest the most supernatural and the greatest things that can be experienced or experience or inwardly satisfy the human being.

In the Spirit there are also great abilities such as discernment, intuition and spiritual gifts, as well as the emergence of the fruit of the spirit. the emergence of the fruit of the spirit when we already know God and are born again. and we have been born again, his Spirit dwells in our spirit. dwells in our spirit, constantly molds us and forges our character more constantly molds us and forges our character more more in the likeness of Jesus, although in most people the spirit is in an inert or inactive state. the spirit is in an inert or inactive state of a kind of dormancy or hibernation. of a kind of lethargy or hibernation, unfortunately some people have activated it on the negative side, they have distorted the original the original operation of the spirit and contaminate it constantly using it illegitimately, for negative, occult, spiritist, spiritualistic and of occultism, spiritism or even satanism, for which it was not created, is like putting a formula one vehicle on a dirt road. vehicle on a dirt road, it will be destroyed in a short time. it will be destroyed in a short time.

But the most important thing to understand is that the spirit was given to us to inhabit Christ. was given to us for Christ to dwell in, since we are the temple of God. the temple of God, for He does not dwell in temples made with the of men, but in the heart of the human being, that is why opening our heart to Him voluntarily is of vital importance. vital importance.

Chapter IV


In the Beginning Everything was Ideal

In the beginning God created man in the image of God and there was a perfect relationship between God and man, and in many man, in many ways we are the likeness of our Father creator. God is a trinity, or one being in three parts. He revealed to us as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Spirit. These three parts of the Godhead are all one, and coexist in perfect unity. coexist in perfect unity. Man is also a small trinity, he is made up of body, soul, and spirit. little trinity, he is made up of body, soul, and spirit.

Man's spirit is eternal, just as man's spirit is eternal. The spirit of man is eternal, just as God is eternal.

Man's spirit endures even after the body is destroyed. body is destroyed. None of the animals that God made has this spiritual dimension. They are not eternal creatures creatures on the same plane as we are. God represents the supreme level of intelligence and creativity, as we can clearly see from the universe He created. we can clearly see from the universe He created. The man is an intelligent and creative being, unlike any of the animals that God any of the animals that God made.

Man was created fundamentally to have an intelligence and creativity. Man was created fundamentally to have a communion with his creator and to communion with his creator and to worship Him. This is to a large the reason for our existence. God wanted to to love us and to be with us forever, and he wanted us to love and honor that we likewise love and honor him completely. completely. He created within us a deep longing for Him longing for Him, a longing that nothing else can ever satisfy. satisfy, even today we search in different ways, trying to fill the ways, trying to fill the strange emptiness that remains in our innermost being. innermost part of our being. Until we finally satisfy the reason for our existence, we never have real peace until then. we never have real peace until then.

Satan (The Enemy of God and Man)

God also created other types of eternal beings that exist in the spiritual realm. in the spiritual realm. When the bible says that he created the the heavens and the earth, it denotes that before creating the earth or man, he created the heavens. man, he created the heavens, which implies the creation of the spiritual realm. The angels are one of those types of beings created even before man was created. created even before man was created.

They exist all around us, yet they are invisible invisible most of the time, and almost none of the time they are recognized.

A long, long time ago one of the most beautiful and powerful angels created most beautiful and powerful angels ever created rebelled against his Creator. Lucifer, a protective cherub linked to music, instruments and celestial worship. instruments and celestial worship, he wanted to be like the God who created him, but in evil. God who created him, but in a bad way. In the blindness of his his pride, evil was found in him, he imagined that he could now be greater than God Almighty. he could now be greater than God Almighty, he thought, why should I worship or serve him? why should I worship or serve God if I can be worshipped and served just as well as God. be worshipped and served as well as God? he said. Then the Lord Lord judged his rebellion and his treachery, and cast him out of heaven with a third part of the heavenly host, and sentenced him to eternity in sentenced him for an eternity in the lake of fire as we read in Revelation. in the lake of fire as we read in Revelation. Meanwhile the scripture shows us that he came to the earth from even before man was created from the dust of the earth, for man man from the dust of the ground, for it is he who caused the earth to be disordered the earth to be disordered and void, since that time, this deceiver diligently employs his time of stay here, trying to time here, trying to lead mankind away from God and to his own damnation. from God and to his own damnation. Doing his utmost to rob him of that communion, we know this fallen angel as Satan, or the Devil. as Satan, or the Devil, Luzbel, the Serpent of old, the thief, the Advent serpent, the thief, the Adversary, the Iniquitous, etc.... Satan hates God and man, or anything related to both. related to both. He especially despises us the fact that God put us in his place, we come to replace him in some substitute him in a certain way to adore and love him eternally, and for the fact and for the fact that we are created in the image of God, that is to say, superior image of God, that is to say, superior even to that fallen angel and all the angels of the world. fallen angel and all angels in fact.

Paradise and the Fall of Man When God created Adam and Eve, they lived in his presence and had an intimate presence and had intimate communion with Him. They lived in a beautiful garden called Eden where there was no sickness, pain, and death. where there was no sickness, pain, and death. a marvelous creation for them to enjoy and and to have dominion over it, He gave them and continues to give us free will. free will.

There were two unique trees in the middle of the garden, different from all others. from all the others, one was the tree of Life, from which they could freely the other tree was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. knowledge of good and evil. God told Adam and Eve never to eat of the fruit of that tree, for it would cause their death. would cause their death. However, identified as a serpent as a serpent, Satan tempted Eve to disobey God. God. Satan told her that if she ate from the forbidden tree, she would be like God, knowing the good and the evil forbidden tree she would be like God, knowing good and evil, which was a lie. which was a lie. The desire to be equal to God had Satan himself fell, and it was this same desire that Satan used to tempt that Satan used to tempt Adam and Eve, and there began the misfortune of human beings. The story of the fall of man more detailed is in Genesis The more detailed story of the fall of man is in Genesis chapter 3. We suggest you read more in depth about this.

The Effects of Sin The Effects of Sin Sin causes the separation of God from man, this happened at the exact moment when Adam and Eve disobeyed and ate the and Eve disobeyed and ate of the forbidden fruit. that Adam and Eve's sin was not sex as many think, it was disobedience to sex as many think, it was the disobedience of tasting the fruit of the tree of the the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the good they already knew, so more than the good they already knew, so the problem was to taste the evil, which was not necessary. the evil, which was not necessary, they actually learned the difference between good and evil. the difference between good and evil when they experienced the evil for the first time, but now They actually learned the difference between good and evil when they experienced evil for the first time, but now it was too late, they could never go back in time, before they they knew the difference. Now they were experiencing unnecessarily the horrible guilt, shame, condemnation and fear of God, because of their condemnation and fear of God, because of their sin, outwardly they were still alive but inwardly in their spirit they were no longer alive. spirit no longer.

The beautiful fellowship that existed was broken forever because He is a Holy God and sin cannot cohabit in His presence. cohabit in His presence, after Adam and Eve sinned before God by sinned before God by disobeying him, they could not come into his again in his presence as if nothing, sin is a cause of division, slavery and spiritual death. of division, slavery and spiritual death.
John 8:34 "Truly I say to you, whoever sins is a slave of sin. slave of sin." - Jesus
Once sin dwells in us, we become its servants or slaves. his servants or slaves, we do not control him; but he controls us, we are his slaves. control him; rather, he controls us, we are his servants, we consciously or consciously or unconsciously we surrender to obey, by our own strength we cannot stop it. It is a monster in us, we are not strong enough to break the chains that bind us. break the chains that bind us.

Sin brings Death

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. our Lord.
Romans 5:12 Death entered by one man, Sin entered the world through one man. And death death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because came to all men, because all sinned....
Sin is like an infectious disease or a virus that has affected all mankind since Adam and Eve, a seed of corruption that passes from generation to generation. generation to generation, so today our sin also separates us from God separates us from God just as in the origins of Genesis. Therefore, in the same way, the consequence of our sin is death. sin is death, God's perfect righteousness requires this payment for sin, there is no God's perfect justice requires this wages for sin, there is no exception, the imminent death we all deserve and face imminent death that we all deserve and face today is the result of our sin, which result of our sin, which separates us from the abundant life given by God. abundant life given by God.

Sin brings Judgment

If there is God, there is also the Devil and if there is heaven, there is also hell, after death. and if there is heaven, there is also hell, after the physical death of our bodies we will all be judged our bodies we will all be judged, our spirits and our soul, both spirits and our souls, both eternal, must also be destined somewhere, either be destined to some place, either eternal life or eternal death. eternal death, if we were asked, no one wants to go to an eternal death, but unfortunately many eternal death, but unfortunately many times we ourselves dig our own we ourselves dig our own grave and we have been choosing this been choosing this destiny by the decision to follow in the footsteps of the rebellion the footsteps of the rebellion led by Satan, instead of obeying God.

A Victory for the Evil One?

At first, it seemed that Satan had triumphed in his purpose, everything indicated that he was his purpose, all indications were that he had successfully led all of God's successfully led all of God's children away from their Father into the slavery of sin, and the slavery to sin, and had mastered them to die and be judged for eternity. and thus be judged for eternity. But there was something that Satan did not know, even before the creation of the world, God had set in motion a plan in which He would defeat Satan once and for all. Satan once and for all, a plan centered in the person of Jesus Christ. the person of Jesus Christ. the ultimate victory, and the one who came to rescue us was the Son of God. the Son of God.

John 1:29 The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. world.
1 John 3:8b The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.
John 1:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. and destroy; I am come that they might have life, and that they might and that they may have it more abundantly.

The reality is that spiritually we were lost and we didn't know it. we didn't know it, no one had told us, and no one but ourselves, we are guilty of but ourselves, we are guilty of sinning and deserving God's deserving of God's judgment, there is no one of us righteous or righteous enough according to God's standard. or righteous enough according to God's standard of perfection. God's standard of perfection. We would be utterly lost without a hope in the world, without a plan of salvation and no way to return to God. no way to return to God. But God, in His great love and mercy towards us establishes a way for us to be way to be forgiven and to have fellowship with Him again. God's plan to solve the problem of sin is called "Gospel". God's plan to solve the problem of sin is called "Gospel", which means "Good News" or "Good which means "Good News" or "Good Tidings". And it is brutal in the face of such a deadly condition, to know that there is a solution, isn't it? solution, don't you think.


In short, being dead in our sins and trespasses in short, being dead in our sins and trespasses, God sent, out of extreme love for humanity his only Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. eternal life, that is basically what the perhaps most important verse of the perhaps the most important verse in the Bible, John 3:16. 3:16.

Man was separated from God and nothing and no one could have achieved that reconciliation could have attained that reconciliation except one who was righteous, perfect and without blemish who was righteous, perfect and without blemish, someone who shed his blood shed his blood to atone or pay for our sins by his death (for without shedding his for our sins by his death (for without shedding of blood there is no blood there is no remission of sins), so that we would not have to die so that we would not have to die to pay our debt, he gave his life for us His life for us and took our place at the slaughterhouse, i.e. on the slaughterhouse, that is, on the cross of Calvary, thanks to Him we did not have to die. thanks to Him we did not have to die, we have access again to God's to God's presence and communion as it was in the beginning. paradise is no longer lost for man, the act of the decrees that were of the decrees that were against us was nailed to that cross. cross, there is a way to eternity and it is called Jesus Christ.

The Son of God offered his perfect righteousness. The Son of God offered His perfect righteousness to bear all our sins in Himself on His cross. all our sins on Himself in His death. God the Father accepted this perfect sacrifice once and for all (no more sacrifices are (no more sacrifices or bloodshed is needed), as the bloodshed), as the full price paid for every sin committed. paid for every sin committed. We have been redeemed by the blood of the precious lamb of God, which covers all our sins. all our sins. In the sight of God we are now righteous. God certainly gives credit to the righteousness of Jesus for those who put their trust in Him. Through Christ Jesus we can once again come into communion with our heavenly Father, attain the with our heavenly Father, attain the inner Peace that only He can and realize a new life or a new birth as described in the Word. birth as described in the Word.

Isaiah 53:5 But He smitten him with a wounded heart. Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, He was bruised for our iniquities. He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

But what must I do to obtain this great salvation? so great?

It is not necessary to do works or sacrifices, but it is necessary to genuine repentance and truly believing in Him with your heart in Him with your heart, for it is by true faith in Jesus Christ, in His death and His Jesus Christ, in his death and resurrection, as well as the confession with your confession with your mouth, of this faith and of his lordship, by which we can be saved, not by which we may be saved, not by works, lest any man should boast, but by faith glory but by faith, salvation is by faith.

Romans 10:9-13 That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; but with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. confession is made with the mouth unto salvation. For the Scripture says whoever believes in him shall not be put to shame. For there is no there is no difference between Jew and Greek, for he who is the Lord of all, is rich unto all them that call upon him. who call upon him; for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Lord, shall be saved.

Jesus did not have to die for those of us who were his transgressors, yet that is what he did. transgressors, yet that is exactly why he came to earth. "for what" He came to earth, this is brutal and we must give eternal thanks to Him for it. eternal thanks to Him for it.

Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. us.
Take a few minutes to be thankful for and meditate on this gift to mankind and to receive it in your own words. words, say a prayer even if you consider yourself unworthy, and we unworthy and we invite you to always keep this scripture in mind when you are scripture when you find yourself under guilt or condemnation. condemnation.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to forgive us our trespasses. and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. all unrighteousness.

Chapter V


Expressions of Celebrated Men concerning The Bible. "We regard the scriptures of God as the most sublime Philosophy. most sublime. I find more marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any other profane book."

Isaac Newton (Scientist)

"If it were not for this Book we would not know the difference between good and evil. I believe that the Bible is the greatest gift that God has given to man."
Abraham Lincoln (U.S. President)
Believe me, sir, there never passes a night, no matter how weary I may be, that I do not read the word of God before I go to bed.
Douglas McArtur (General)
The existence of the Bible as a book for the people is the greatest benefit the human race has ever received. greatest benefit, which the human race has ever received.
Emmanuel Kant (Philosopher)
"We rest securely on the firm Rock of the Holy Scriptures¨
Winston Churchill (World Leader)
The Bible is the Word of God
The Bible (from the Greek Biblos - Books) is the book or book or compendium of books with the highest sales, circulation, printing and distribution worldwide, its circulation consistently surpassing that of any other book consistently exceeds that of any other book in existence, in addition to being the first book printed on a printing press, ironically, the Bible is also the most censored book in history, yet it has been in history, yet it has been translated into more languages than any other book. languages than any other book, the Bible is one of the oldest books in the world. oldest books in the world, with some portions dating back 4000 years 4000 years ago, but it is still the most current because it is the living word. because it is the living word, the Bible is the Word of God. Heb. 4:12. For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword. sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit. and pierces even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is and marrow, and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. of the heart.

The Word of God sets us free
John 8:31 Then Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him. believed in him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed, ye shall be my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

The Bible was originally written in three languages: Hebrew, Greek and small portions of Aramaic. But translated into hundreds of languages and dialects around the world by dedicated people world by very dedicated people, so that you can have the Bible faithfully have today faithfully the word, thoughts and plans of God. and plans of God.

how it was written

Originally the biblical texts were recorded 1)On papyri, 2)Engraved animal skin scrolls, and 3)Carved stone tablets. carved stone tablets. Many of these are still preserved to this day as evidence preserved to this day as evidence to our generation. generation. As an example of this we have the Dead Sea Scrolls Dead Sea Scrolls that were found in 1947 in the Qumran caves of Qumran in the desert of Judea, with Biblical texts of the Biblical texts of the Old Testament and some apocryphal and ritual books of the tribal and ritual books of the tribe that inhabited that region from 110 B.C. to A.D. 68. to 68 A.D. But even with all these attributes of The Bible is a book that not everyone knows or has read, and as a result we have not and consequently we have not obtained the benefits it provides us.

But even with all these attributes of the Bible it provides.

The Bible answers important questions for human beings such as: Where do I come from? questions for human beings such as: Where did I come from, Why am I here? where will I go after death? but the central theme of the Bible is "the central theme of the Bible is "the Redemption of Man".


The Bible is a compendium of 66 books carefully carefully established and sovereignly guarded by God and is divided into the Old divided into Old Testament and New Testament, the point of separation of the two being precisely Christ Jesus.


The Old Testament consists of 39 books written in Hebrew, its original language. Hebrew its original language. In the following order: 5 The Pentateuch - The Law or Torah from Genesis to. Deuteronomy.
12 Historical Books from Joshua to Esther

5 Poetical Books from Job to Song of Songs
5 Major Prophetic Books from Isaiah to Daniel

12 Minor Prophets from Hosea to Malachi
The New Testament consists of 27 books set out in the following order:
4 Historical - Biographical Books, which are the Gospels, they announce the life and message of Jesus. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
1 Historical Book, the Acts of the Apostles
13 Pauline Letters Written by the Apostle Paul
8 General Letters
1 Prophetic Book the "Apocalypse¨ Revealed in the Spirit to John. John


We recommend that you initially start reading the New Testament, so that later you can understand the Old Testament the Old Testament, because the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament. in the New Testament, for example, in order to be able to multiply and divide first we need to learn the numbers, add and subtract subtract to be able to solve more complex operations, so start with the 4 gospels (Gospel means: Good News) and continues with the Acts, so it proceeds book by book up to the Apocalypse. book by book up to the Apocalypse. Revelation we suggest you to read from Genesis all the Old Testament, we also testament, we also suggest you to read the book of Psalms and Proverbs Psalms and Proverbs every day, to obtain wisdom, strength and spiritual inspiration.

When reading the Bible, always engage your heart (i.e. your spirit) and your faith, not your spirit) and your Faith, and not just your mind or intellect, for there are truths that our mind does not have the truths that our mind does not have the capacity to assimilate, but faith can assimilate, but faith can take us where the mind cannot pass or understand. can not pass or understand.


2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. in righteousness.
Etymologically the word inspired by God comes from the Greek from the Greek Theopneustos: Which literally means. exhaled by God, He Himself is the author of the Bible and He only only used Men as an instrument of Expression and Writing. Writing.

2 Peter 1:20-21 Understanding this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is from prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation of Scripture is of private interpretation, for prophecy was never brought by human will, but by but holy men of God spoke as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. being inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Rev.22:18 I testify unto every one that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book: If any man shall add unto these things, God shall bring upon him the plagues which are written in this book. book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall prophecy, God will take away his part out of the book of life..... God has protected his words down through the ages and has protected them to such a God has protected them to such a degree that the writings we have at our the writings available to us agree with the original writings, obvious and appropriate to each language.

"The Redemption of Man through Jesus Christ." in fact this book reveals and speaks of Christ. in fact this book reveals and speaks of Christ from the beginning to the end and of the plan of Redemption-Rescue-Salvation of man.

Atheism v.s. THE BIBLE

Voltaire, the famous French philosopher and thinker, an evident opponent of the Christian faith opponent of the Christian faith and of the Bible (who was obviously not a follower of Christ was not a follower of Christ but the opposite), died in 1778. 1778. Before his death, he affirmed that the Bible and the Christian faith faith would have no credibility 100 years later. But not only was his his prognosis was completely wrong, but 25 years after that ironically, the Geneva Bible Society acquired the press and house of Geneva Bible Society acquired the press and Voltaire's house was a repository of Bibles and Bibles house became a repository for Bibles and began printing and distributing distribution of the precious book from that location, more than two hundred years two hundred years after this famous personage, the president of the United president of the united states declared 1983 as the year of the Bible. Why would the president of one of the most important nations on earth declare 1983 as the year of the Bible? of one of the most important nations on earth would proclaim the Bible as the the Bible as the most important source of human knowledge?

Marz, Nietzsche and Fred were forerunners of atheism, who made similar derogatory and negative statements against God and his word negative statements against God and his word, yet they are dead when Christ is still dead when Christ is still alive and His gospel is growing grows more and more every day, while the works of these men are dissipate more and more, so, Voltaire, these men, or any unbeliever or any unbeliever, are they to be trusted? Tons of archaeological testimonies and even secular historical historical records support the veracity of the Bible. Bible, we can find them in museums, libraries, and even on the and even on the internet and more evidence continues to appear.

For example a few years ago was published in the U.S. the book Bible Code, a world best seller, where by computer, discoveries of hidden codes discoveries of hidden codes are made in the Bible in the original Hebrew the Bible in the original Hebrew of very important events that would happen in the events that would happen in the end times, curiously the author was an atheist but he found supernatural truths about the supernatural truths about the power of the scriptures that even he could not refute even himself, this discovery earned him the Nobel prize for literature. Nobel prize for literature.


Millions of people are looking for a reliable voice of authority reliable, they have realized that they cannot trust people, governments or the people, governments or the treaties signed between nations, nor on the treaties signed between nations, nor in the declarations of men of "science"; even great leaders "science"; even the great religious leaders are constantly wrong. even the great religious leaders are constantly mistaken. The Bible, the word of God, is the only true authority we have, proven over thousands of years, the Bible sheds light on human nature, on the problems of human nature, on the problems of human life. on human nature, on world problems and on human suffering. world problems and on the suffering of mankind, but beyond all this, it reveals beyond all this, it clearly reveals the way of God.

The Bible is the only true authority we have, proven over thousands of years. God.

Everything you have learned so far in the studies. D.R.U.G. studies has come from the Holy Bible, also called the Holy the Holy Scriptures, where the Word of God is available to us. God's Word is available to us. The Bible, the written word of God, is the expression of His eternal will. will, it is the only recorded and authoritative writing of God's own revelation of God himself to mankind. The book of spiritual authority, all we need to learn about who God is everything we need to learn about who God is, and what He desires for us, is contained in the Bible. us, is contained in the Bible. Through the truths through the truths found in these pages we have come to know the God, who is our Father, and his son Jesus Christ, the Living Word, the Jesus Christ, the Living Word, through whom God revealed Himself. revealed himself. If we want to live fully our life in Jesus Christ, we must apply ourselves to apply ourselves to learning the word of God. God.


The Holy Bible is a collection of 66 books, containing history, biography, poetry, prophecy and many personal letters. personal letters. God used men from many different classes and different times to record it. So the writer was a fisherman, a writer was a fisherman, a tax collector, a doctor, a lawyer, a sheep a doctor, a lawyer, a shepherd, a prince, a priest, a warrior, or a king, it was the truth of the a priest, a warrior or a king, it was the truth of the Holy Spirit who led those men to Spirit who led these men to record the words of God. words of God. The central theme throughout this masterpiece is to masterpiece is to reach out to man with the love of God.

From the beginning of creation in Gen. 1:1 to the new world to come in Rev. 22, the central theme throughout this masterpiece is to reach man with God's love. the new world to come in Rev. 22, we find the continued manifestation of God's manifestation of God's Plan of Redemption with Jesus Christ as the central figure. Jesus Christ as the central figure. The Old Testament looks the promise of the coming of the Messiah, which God had promised through the prophets promised through the prophets. The New Testament Testament was written after the physical appearance of Jesus and his death Jesus and his sacrifice of death for us.

The New Testament was written after the physical us.

The Bible contains the keys to everything we need to grow as Christians as well. need to grow as Christians as well. as well, we see incredible practical properties that God's Word has for us such as God's Word has for us such as: Knows the intentions of the heart (Heb 4:12) intentions of the heart (Heb 4:12), enlightens us (Psalm 119:105), gives us understanding (Psalm 119:130), and (Psalm 119:105), gives us understanding (Psalm 119:130), cleanses us (John 15:3-5 and cleanses us (John 15:3-5 and Psalm 119:9-11), warns us of sin, and makes us wise (Psalm 119:9-11). from sin, makes us wise (Psalms 19:7-11), instructs us and leads us to salvation (2 Tim. leads us to salvation (2 Tim. 3:15), teaches us (Rom. 15:4), trains us, corrects us (2 Tim. 3:16), warns us, admonishes us, fully equips us (Ps. 19:7-11) and admonishes us, equips us completely to do good works, brings us to works, causes us to be born again (1 Pet. 1:23), comforts us, brings patience patience, gives us hope, builds us up, and gives us an inheritance (Acts 10:32). us an inheritance (Acts 10:32), sanctifies us and makes us holy (John 17:17). sanctifies us and makes us holy (John 17:17), His words are Spirit and are life (John 6:63), Etc. (John 6:63), Etc, Etc, Etc, Etc...

Because the Word of God is so important in your new life, you need to invest time in it. new life, you need to invest time in it every day. The Word of God is your spiritual food, your daily bread. daily bread, it gives you life, makes you strong, and helps you grow to maturity. to mature. We cannot live without it spiritually spiritually speaking, if you have not yet started the New Testament, you must set aside time every day to read it, as we said, the gospel of John. the Gospel of John is a good place to start, or the Gospel of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are also excellent reading. are also excellent reading. After the gospels go to the book of the Acts of the Apostles. If you make make daily Bible reading a priority, you will soon notice a big difference in your life as well as in your body. a big difference in your life as in your body when you exercise or work out in a gym after exercise or work out in a gym after a few days of effort, good days of effort, good nutrition and rest.

If you make daily Bible reading a priority, you will soon rest.

We advise you that before you start each of the reading times, remember to pray reading times, remember to pray and ask God to teach you through his word, to teach you through his word, do not fail to give thanks to God so that he will show you God to show you, and ask him to help you apply it in your life. in your life.

Consider it as the greatest treasure God has granted to mankind to mankind after the gift of Jesus Christ to mankind...

Consider it as the greatest treasure of God Jesus Christ to the human being...

Chapter VI


Prayer is vital to our Christian life, it is the backbone of our relationship with God. backbone of our relationship with God. deficiency in prayer can cause serious disruption and fragility in our life as believers. fragility in our life as believers. The time and time and quality we devote to prayer can unleash the most supernatural power The time and quality we devote to prayer can unleash the most supernatural power that has ever existed. monologue, nor is it repeating already written phrases, prayers or words from Prayer is not a monologue, nor is it repeating already written phrases, prayers or words from memory, but rather it is talking with God, establishing a bi-directional dialogue, not uni-directional, not mechanical, because God is not a robot. mechanical, since God is not a robot, nor religious, since He is not an idol neither is He an idol, to pray is to address Him from the heart, it is a communication with our Creator, it connects us to Him, it connects us to our Creator. communication with our Creator, it connects us with Him, in fact it is the neo-testamentary way to enter his presence, it is something too brutal presence, it is something too brutal for us to miss it. it does not have to be tedious if it is done with passion and intensity in the Spirit. passion and intensity in the Spirit. Prayer in the Old Testament

Num. 7:89 And when Moses entered into the tabernacle of the the tabernacle of meeting, to speak with God, he heard the voice that spoke to him from from above the mercy seat which was upon the ark of the testimony, from testimony, from between the cherubim; and he talked with him. Prayer in the New Testament
Matthew 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast the door closed, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Y When you pray, do not use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do, who think that by their vain babbling they will be heard.

In order to achieve an excellent relationship with someone, good communication is indispensable, but the most communication is indispensable, but the most efficient way efficient way to break a relationship is to fail to communicate. people is by failing to communicate. For example during the Persian Gulf War, the United States was able to quickly quickly, using as a strategy the destruction of communication systems and destruction of communication systems and pathways to cause confusion and weakness. confusion and weakness. In our new relationship with the Lord, it is very important to re-establish true communication with God communication with God through sincere prayer. prayer. Communication is the most important and vital part of vital part of the growth and success of a relationship.

Without communication a relationship is impossible. Without communication a relationship is impossible. You can know very vaguely about someone just by hearing or reading about them, but only or reading about them, but only through personal communication with them can you know them personal communication with them can you truly know them. truly. Our relationship with God also requires requires good communication. Many people know or know about God to some degree. know about God to some degree. There are even those people who have extensive knowledge about God, but do not yet know Him personally. about God, but do not yet know Him personally. Even As Christians, we may be learning about God, but we don't really know Him personally. God, but we still don't really know Him personally. personally. What makes the big difference is prayer, for He makes Himself known in prayer. He makes Himself known in prayer, prayer is communicating with God. with God.

Prayer, then, is the way we communicate with God. God. It is the expression of our trust and fears, and the way we share our joys. It is the way we share our joys and sorrows. It is the way in which we present our petitions to God and give thanks for the many ways in which we can communicate with God. God and give thanks for the many ways in which he blesses us. blesses us. It is the way we ask God to work in the lives of others, as well as in the lives of others. the lives of others, as well as in our own lives. At confess our sins and ask for God's forgiveness. God's forgiveness. We also seek the answers to our questions our questions, and the solutions to our problems.

Another very important part of prayer is to express our praise and worship to God, it is how we begin to see his great power and his begin to see His great power and His awesome glory.

It is important to remember that prayer is the main way in which we gain a better knowledge of our God. in which we gain better knowledge of our Father.

Gaining knowledge of God through prayer.

God the Father wants us to know him as his children.

A good example of how this relationship grows is seen in observing a newborn baby and his or her observing a newborn baby and its parents. From the the beginning the baby has a strong emotional bond with his parents, as well as a parents, as well as a tremendous need and physical dependence on them. physical dependence on them. But the child has very little knowledge of what his parents really are as people when he is when he is a newborn. The parents know the baby more than the baby knows them, but as time goes by and the child time goes by and the child grows up with his parents, he gradually learns gradually learns many things about them, and eventually gets much better acquainted with them. them. In this way it is with our Father in heaven. As you continue in prayer, you will grow and mature in your relationship with him. You will gain much better knowledge of Him, in fact true spiritual growth will take place largely in proportion to your time in prayer.

How to pray?

You can pray privately, and you can also pray with others in a group. in a group. You can pray silently, and you can also pray with a loud voice. pray with a loud voice. God does not require us to pray in a single, formal formal, religious form, or according to some set of rituals. set of rituals. He simply wants you to invest time with Him, for He takes great pleasure in His communion with you. communion with you.

Form the Habit of Prayer

Making a habit of prayer will help you to more easily set aside some quality time to more easily set aside some quality time to pray each day organically. it is said that repeating a daily action twenty-one times a day will it is said that repeating a daily action twenty-one times a day will lead you to form a habit. we suggest you do with prayer, the first few days you may find it difficult days you may find it hard but later it will become easier, at the same time making a will help you to develop a certain discipline in prayer. determine a schedule is helpful, for example the disciples prayed together at the disciples prayed together at the ninth hour which was the hour of prayer, but you can but you can pray at any time you want, the important thing is to start a good habit of important is to initiate a good habit of praying to God with "daily devotional daily devotional times of at least 15 minutes a day to start with. day to begin with. This is a time dedicated exclusively to God.

At what time should I pray?

A good example of praying every day is in the morning before getting up. morning before getting up. Starting your day with prayers focusing your mind on God, and it's a prayer that you will find the you will find the strength you need to see the world with the eyes and love of God. world with the eyes and love of Jesus. Another good time another good time to pray is during a short break from work or school, to reaffirm your from work or school, to reaffirm your mind on Christ for the rest of the day. day. In fact every opportunity you have is good to prayer time before bedtime is a perfect way to reflect on the day's perfect way to reflect on the day's events with God, give thanks for the God, give thanks for what you have experienced, and this will help you go to sleep with your mind at peace again. your mind at peace with God again. If still have a problem with bad dreams, try Bible reading and pray before Bible reading and prayer before going to bed. Jesus used to pray very early in the morning when it was still dark and the disciples were still was still dark and the disciples were asleep (Mark 1:35). 1:35), According to Psalm 63:1, David prayed in the early morning, but also in the evening. morning, but also in the evening, morning and at noon according to (Psalms 55:1). according to (Psalm 55:17), Daniel prayed three times a day, from morning to prayed three times a day, according to (Psalm 55:17).



There are different types of prayers for different purposes, and all of them are important in our relationship with God. relationship with God. Let's look at some of those types of prayer:

Praise and Worship

Praise and worship are when we express our exaltation, admiration, adoration, and awe. our exaltation, admiration, adoration, and reverent awe of all that God is awe of all that God is, and all that He has done. He has done. When we begin to perceive the splendor and glorious majesty of our Lord, our hearts respond with Adoration. respond with Worship. Praise is speaking well of Him, it is when we express (with our mouth, with music or corporeally) to music or corporally) to God all that He is glorious, and how much He means to us. In this special time of prayer of prayer we are drawn to our Father with the objective of exalting and to exalt and glorify Him...

Hebrews 13:15 By him therefore let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise through him a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips that confess his name. lips that confess his name.

Thanksgiving is a fundamental complement to Praise and Worship. Praise and Worship. It is to acknowledge and give thanks for the many favors the many favors that God gives us, and the faithfulness that he provides us, and and thanking him from the heart for this. This also means thanking God for the work he has done in our lives, and the work he has in our lives, and the work he is doing or will do, and for his work in the will do, and for his work in the lives of others, and for the work he has done in our lives. we should always be thankful and thankful for everything. everything.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 In everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you. is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. The Confession
1 Jn.1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from our sins. Just to forgive us and to Cleanse us.
Asking God's forgiveness for one and a thousand things that we have is an excellent and fundamental way to approach Him. Confession is when we admit and acknowledge our transgressions, sins and and recognize our transgressions, sins and faults to God. God. This can be done directly with God, it is not not necessary an intermediary person like a priest or any religious religious figure, because of Jesus' sacrifice, we are forgiven and cleansed with his we are forgiven and cleansed with his precious blood, but we need to repent of our acts of wickedness and come out of them. perversity and come out of them, that is to say stop practicing them.

We should often pray for cleansing. We must often pray for God's cleansing of our hearts with the blood of Christ. our hearts with the blood of Christ. We should We should also have recourse to this quickly when we are tempted to sin. tempted to sin. God will give us the strength to do the right thing. Psalm 51 is the perfect guide to pray for repentance and confession of sins. repentance and confession of sins.

Psalms 51:1-2 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. my transgressions. Wash me more and more from mine iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin. (We strongly advise reading the whole of Psalm 51, especially Psalm 51, especially at times when you feel dirty and you need to feel dirty and need to get that sin out)
Prayer of Rest

Many times we find ourselves busy, troubled, and stressed with many things stressed with many things, due to work or personal situations, however our Lord Jesus personal situations, however our Lord Jesus Jesus leaves a door of access to unburden us of these situations, simply come to Him situations, you must simply come to Him with confidence and unload all the weight and anxiety that you are carrying, consider the following scriptures Consider the following scriptures. Matthew 11:28-30 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you shall meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing; but let your requests be made known to God in your requests be made known unto God in all prayer and supplication prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds in hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him, for he cares for you.

Supplication and Intercession

Supplication is when we bring our petitions to God prayers and even sometimes with some desperation. desperation. There are many different kinds of supplications, or petitions, we pray to God to provide for our needs or physical physical needs or healing, for spiritual victory, and for God's wisdom. for God's wisdom. We can pray for ourselves for ourselves and for other people we know and even for people we do not know personally. people we don't know personally.

1 Timothy 2:1-4 I exhort first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, intercessions, and petitions be made for us. prayers, supplications, intercessions, intercessions and thanksgivings, for for all men, for kings and for all who are in authority, that they may and for all who are in authority, that we may live quietly and peaceably in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved that all men may be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. knowledge of the truth.

When we pray for the benefit of someone else rather than for ourselves, this is called intercession. ourselves this is called Intercession. The Intercession on behalf of others is highly prized and heeded by God, and through these prayers and through these prayers he does much of his work. much of his work. It is a genuine blessing to be used by God in this way. It is also true that when we begin to be interested in the needs of others, we others, we begin to be less preoccupied with ourselves and our problems. ourselves and our problems. Ephesians 6:18 Praying at all times with all prayer and in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for the perseverance and supplication for all the saints;

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves my name is called, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their evil ways, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and from heaven, and I will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.

If they shall humble my people, which are called by my name land.

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare is one of the most intense and important types of prayer. and important, we can and must resist the devil in prayer, reproving the devil in prayer, rebuking and binding him in areas where we are seeing his where we are seeing his operation, as well as covering ourselves with the precious blood of the lamb, for we are not ignorant of his his machinations, but everything must always be under the authority of the be under the authority of the Name of Jesus, certain and convinced in faith that no convinced in faith that no weapon forged will prosper against us and that he against us and that he has given us authority to tread upon scorpions and or tread upon scorpions and serpents. Consider the following scriptures in this regard.

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give you the authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall shall not hurt you.
James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God; resist the devil, and he will flee from you. he will flee from you.
Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against thee shall prosper, and thou shalt thou shalt condemn every tongue that shall rise up against thee in judgment. This is the inheritance of the servants of the LORD, and their salvation shall come from me, saith the LORD. salvation shall come from me, saith the LORD.
Ephesians 5:11 And do not be partakers of the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them;
2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should gain an advantage over us. over us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Healing Prayer

The prayer of healing is very important and of very frequent use in these times of so much sickness. very frequent use in these times of so much sickness, for which we must become and not to be afraid to pray for the sick and other needs that require sick and other needs that require a supernatural supernatural intervention of God, even deliverance from demons. God will manifest himself in one way or another if we pray with faith. we pray in faith.

James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up. Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. shall be forgiven him.
Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
The Model Prayer

Undoubtedly the most perfect prayer we can find is found in the Lord's Prayer, it was a teaching of how to pray, which Jesus how to pray, the same one that Jesus shared with his disciples disciples when they asked him to teach them how to pray. this does not mean that we should repeat it like merolics for hours, we should draw from it. for hours, we must extract each idea in parts and apply it to each and apply it to each context, circumstance or need that we have, in other need we have, in other words to make it our own and not own it and not mechanically repeat it.

Matthew 6:9-13. Ye therefore shall pray thus: Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth. on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. us this day. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

An all too important form of prayer is also meditation, which is when we spend meditation, which is when we spend time considering over and over again, in our minds and hearts, the scriptures, the deeds, words and promises of God, but we do not need to speak. but we don't need to talk, it is a moment of reflection more than anything else. reflection, in fact it is a moment where we must listen, in many listening, in many occasions we will be able to understand God's will in a special God's will in a special way, it is when it is God's turn to speak to our heart, we are God speaks to our heart, we are silent.

Psalms 1:1-3 Psalms 1:1-3 Blessed is the man who has not walked in the counsel of counsel of the wicked, nor walked in the way of sinners, nor in the nor sat in the seat of scoffers; but in the law of the LORD is his delight. his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in his law he meditates day and night. and in the night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season, and his leaf falleth not; and all that he doeth shall prosper. Whatsoever he doeth, it shall prosper.

Psalm 119:97 O how I love your law! All the day long is it my meditation. You have made me wiser than my enemies by your commandments, For they are always with me. with me always. More than all my teachers have I understood, For thy testimonies are my meditation.
Philippians 4:8 Moreover, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are worthy, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are honorable, if there is any virtue or anything that deserves praise, on this meditate.
2 Timothy 2:7 Meditate on what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in all things. will give you understanding in all things.
Response to Prayer Requests

Matthew 7: 7-8 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; Knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened. God answers prayers in many ways. The most important important to know is that he always answers. Sometimes sometimes an answer takes longer than we want it to. we want. God's timing is always perfect, but we but we usually don't see it that way. Sometimes an answer to a sometimes an answer to a request can be "yes", or "no", or "wait". "wait". We must always trust that our wise Father knows best.

There is a supreme interest of God is our good existence. existence, that is why He has given us the resource of prayer, to achieve what we seek or need, He always wants the best for us. He always wants the best for us. If you are praying to God to God to touch some lives or change circumstances around you, He will be circumstances around you, He will be operating even if we don't see it externally. outwardly, we cannot always see what God is doing in the hearts of some what God is doing in the hearts of some or moving mountains in our favor, but he is working, be patient, trust and pray. be patient, trust and pray. God wants to see us persistent in prayer prayer and urges us to pray without fainting. Many of our prayers require much more than a "yes" or "no" answer. Prayers for wisdom, and prayers for wisdom, and prayers for direction in our lives are good examples of areas where we can our lives are good examples of areas where we need God to speak to us more specifically. we need God to speak to us more specifically.

God answers these prayers in different ways. God answers these prayers in different ways, but it is usually through his written word, which is how we are guided by the Spirit. how we are led by the Holy Spirit.

The important thing is that we never stop praying, because sooner or later he will answer. sooner or later he will answer, in the way he deems prudent. prudent, let us remember that his thoughts are higher than ours. that his thoughts are higher than ours, let's not tell God what to do, nor how to do it. what he has to do, nor how, nor when or where, He will know perfectly, hence this key element of the He will know perfectly, hence this key element of the master prayer; Thy will be done. teacher; Thy will be done...

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Be joyful always. rejoice. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus.
Luke 18:1 Jesus also told them a parable about the need to pray always, and not to faint. the necessity of praying always, and not fainting (Read the whole story). full story)

Chapter VII


Jn. 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever: the Spirit of truth, whom the world Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him. because it sees him not, neither knows him; but you know him, because he dwells in you, and will that he dwelleth in you, and shall be in you.

Jn.3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof; but you do not know whence it comes or whither it goes; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.

Jn.3:8 The wind blows where it he who is born of the Spirit.

One of the main topics of this course is undoubtedly found in this chapter. is undoubtedly found in this chapter, to know the Spirit of God in a personal way will be the most the most supernatural and extreme experience you have ever had in your life. extreme experience you have ever had in your life. The Holy The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity, but He is still God Himself. He was sent to men after Christ (fifty days after Christ). Christ (fifty days after the crucifixion). For fulfill an all-important purpose in us as believers as believers, knowing him intimately will transform your life radically and will your life radically and will take you to a supernatural dimension of power supernatural dimension of power, love, revelation and knowledge of God. the time of the Father's preeminence was in the Old Testament, the Son's in the of the Son was in his coming and his passing through this earth. on this earth, now we are in the time and dispensation of the Holy Spirit. dispensation of the Holy Spirit.

Many people look to the occult for a way to find a way out. Many people look to the occult for a supernatural experience supernatural experience and are attracted to different divination practices like tarot or practices such as tarot or Ouija board, others seek deliverance from curses of oppression, oppression of oppressive curses, poverty or illnesses through cleansing through cleansing, or turn to witchcraft or Santeria for success in love, or for success in love, or to curse people they hate, but unfortunately, the only thing they unfortunately the only thing they achieve is to be tied and committed to the evil one compromised with the evil one, who is a vile imitator of the gifts of the the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians chapter 12), but Christ came to undo the works of Satan. Christ came to undo the works of Satan (1 John 3:8) and even though that that personage had certain power (many times only the power you grant him), our that you grant him), our God is all-powerful.


1 Cor 3:16,17Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? the Spirit of God dwells in you, if anyone destroys the temple the temple, God shall destroy him; for the temple of God which ye are holy? Many people think that God is inside some temple made by the hands of men. some temple made by the hands of men with images of images of clay, wood and gold of clay, wood, and gold, but the Creator of all things has prepared a much better place has prepared a much better place to dwell in, and that place is the place yourself, your spirit, your heart, "You are the Temple of God. of God."

the emptiness in the human being

In the seventeenth century, the French thinker, mathematician and scientist Blaise Pascal, declared with great certainty that in every human being there is a void that is every human being there is a void that is the size of God, which means that in every human being there is a void that is the size of God. God, which means that in each one of us there is a gaping hole that we try to that we try to fill with all kinds of material things and temporary pleasures material things and temporary pleasures like alcohol, drugs or sex, drugs or sex. But that only God can fill when we open the door of our heart and voluntarily ask Him to come and live inside us. willingly ask Him to come and live within us Rev.3:20, then we find fullness, and it is there we find fullness, and that is when a new life begins within us, and it is life begins within us, and that is when the Spirit of God takes possession of us and begins to order, restore and remove what does not serve and take out what is not useful from our past life, to establish his kingdom establish his kingdom and will in us. The Spirit of God dwells in you. THE SPIRIT AND THE CHURCH

Even the Church of Christ is not a temple or cathedral with fancy figures or idols. with fancy figures or idols, but rather the gathering of believers who believers who gather together in any place but in the name of Jesus. name of Jesus.

Mt 18:20

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them. name, there am I in the midst of them. That is, Christ is made present in the midst of his people by the Holy Spirit.
The term "Church" comes from the Greek "Eklesia" which which means: assembly or congregation. THE TYPES OR SYMBOLS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

In both the Old and New Testaments, references to the Spirit are made references are made to the Spirit by means of 7 types or symbols, which symbols, which give information about his characteristics and his mission. its Mission.

* Fire - Indicates the Presence of God, Purification, Destruction of evil, Protection, Ex 3:2, Is 6:1-8, Heb 12:29, Ex 13:21. 12:29, Ex 13:21.

* Wind. * Wind - Signifies invisible power. Acts 2:1,2
* Oil. * Oil - Symbolizes Anointing, Healing. Lk.4 :18He.1:9
* Seal. * Seal - signifies ownership, covenant or commitment. commitment. Eph.1:13, Sts.8:6
* Seal. * Water - Indicates life, cleansing or washing, purification. Is 44:3, Jn. 7:37
* Dove. * Dove - Symbolizes purity, peace, humility. Jn. 1:32
* Las Arras .- refers to the riches of the Spirit 2 Cor. 5:5, 2nd Cor.1:22, Eph. 1:14


Although The Holy Spirit is a person, He is not just any person, He is God and the most person, He is God and the most sensitive part of Him, and in order to have close to have a close relationship and communion with Him requires true consecration and obedience. and obedience to God in all areas of our life. in all areas of our life.

Eph 4:30 " And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of the resurrection. which ye are sealed unto the day of redemption, let all bitterness be put away from from you all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamouring, and evil speaking and all malice and all malice."
The intimate relationship with the Spirit resembles the love relationship in a couple; Man and of love in a couple; Man and Woman, which requires a great deal of care of care, dedication and attention, to avoid a fracture or division. a fracture or division, The above verse is an example of this. of this. The word "Contristar", means in the original Greek "lupeite", that is to say original Greek "lupeite", which is the feeling that a human being might human being might experience upon finding his or her partner sexual relations with another person. Therefore, let us Let us therefore beware of every attitude of the flesh, for it is against the spirit. spirit.
Gal. 5:16,17. "I say therefore walk in the Spirit and do not gratify the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the flesh is against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh, and these two are contrary to each other, lest ye should do the things that ye would. ye will."
Spending time in prayer with the Spirit of God will be the best strategy to die to the flesh. best strategy for dying to the flesh.


Matt.12:31,32 Therefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be the Spirit shall not be forgiven them. Whosoever shall speak against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him. forgiven: but whosoever shall speak against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come.
These words of Christ exalt the importance of the Holy Spirit in the kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit in the kingdom of God, therefore seek diligently to give this diligently to give this priority that He deserves, all the days of your life. days of your life, let us take extreme caution.


1) He will teach us all things Jn.14:26

2) He will remind us of all that Christ has told us Jn14:26
3) He will bear witness about Christ Jn.15:26
4) It will convince the world of sin righteousness and judgment.Jn. 16:8
5) He will guide us into all truth Jn.16:13
6) He will make known to us the things that are to comeJn.16:13
7) He will glorify Jesus Jn.16:14

Undoubtedly one of the most attractive and curiosity-arousing books in the Bible is the book of Revelation. curiosity in the Bible is the book of Revelation. the word Apocalypse means Revelations and was written by the by the apostle John under a supernatural manifestation of God's power. of the power of God.

Rev.1:9 I John, your brother and fellow partaker with you in tribulation, in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.
I was on the isle called Patmos, because of the word of God and the of God and of the testimony. I was in the Spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet, saying trumpet, saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. and the last. Write in a Book what you see...

Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he and he laid his right hand upon me, saying to me, "Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last. first and last.

Something very transcendent in this book of the revelations is that it was manifested in the Spirit, and it is Precisely The Spirit of God who reveals to us the hidden things that many people seek in occult practices. many people look for in occult practices, but to us they are revealed by the revealed to us by the Spirit. diversity of spiritual gifts for the believer that enable him to fulfill that enable him to fulfill the purpose of God. The Holy Spirit continues and will continue to operate until now in all nations where He is nations where he is invoked until the second coming of Christ, and will never leave Christ, and will never leave his chosen ones. He will never leave His chosen ones. to inundate, dominate and totally possess your life.


We hope these writings have been a brutal blessing your life as it has been for us, and we invite you to share them with others and we invite you to share them with others who may be in the same condition, perhaps of ignorance, in which you were, everyone must know the truth, because only then will they be free. only in this way will you be free, if you have any questions, doubts or comments you can If you have any questions, doubts or comments you can communicate freely with us us:


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We also meet every Saturday at the booth of La Every Saturday we also meet every Saturday at the stand of La Biblia Subterránea at El Chopo. the next volume of the D.R.U.G. that we will be preparing for you. will be preparing for you, thank you very much, to serve you and brutal blessings. serve you and brutal blessings.

Miguel Martinez Salazar.