
Welcome To “The Underground Bible” (La Biblia Subterránea)

Dear Reader and, now, Owner of this invaluable legacy to humanity, It is with great pleasure that we address you through this welcome letter. We have the honor of introducing you to a most impressive and brutal book, which by the way, has become the greatest literary proposal in the history of mankind: We are referring to "The Bible".

The Bible is the most recognized, sold, read, spread and printed book (or compendium of books) of all time. In fact, it was the first book that was ever printed. It has been translated into more languages and dialects than any other ever has!

But just as it has been so widely translated, it is also the most attacked, censored, banned, misunderstood, persecuted and controversial throughout history and in various parts of the world. In spite of all this, it remains the most important book and highest spiritual authority on earth. So it is with good reason that it is the least appreciated. It is, in other words: “The Book of Books.” But why? Simple: It is the very Word of God.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12

What Is “The Underground Bible”?

The Underground Bible holds within it the contents of a complete and conventional Bible which consists of both the Old and New Testaments (66 books inspired by God, in perfect harmony across all its authors, and in accordance with the canon of the Judeo-Christian scriptures). This Bible is the King James Version of the scriptures, only with a distinct cover and complementary content. It has a specialized graphic design and themes that correspond more to the type of people to which it is tailored. Finally, it includes additional testimonies of well-known musicians within the genre who have converted to Christianity, which inspire us to consider the importance of believing in God and having faith in Jesus Christ.

But what makes this edition truly different is that it is specially directed toward the Underground Nation, and its design was made with the Underground Scene in mind. Its cover, presentation and explanation are empathetic toward this part of society; which often, comprises discriminated groups. These groups are, in reality, also tribes, cultures or urban subcultures, consisting of Metalheads, Rockers, Punks, Goths, the Hardcore Scene, Bikers, etc.

The reason for the creation of this special underground edition, is that we consider it to be of the utmost importance to remove any and all prejudices or misconceptions regarding this transcendental literary work. These prejudices have robbed us of the privilege of discovering it. Our desire is that the entire underground movement might know the riches, knowledge, laws, culture, secrets, music, poetry, virtues, inspiration, wisdom and revelation contained in this controversial book; known also by some as, “the manufacturer’s guide”.

Our desire is that upon coming to understand it, each person will form their own understanding, opinion and decision regarding God and their relationship to Him. An opinion that is neither based on religion nor on the prejudices or ideas of others— whoever they might be. Regardless of whether these opinions have been bands or artists that have influenced you negatively, you must base your future on your own conviction, faith and personal decision. You must derive it from knowing the essence of the reality presented in this book itself. It is important that no one else decide for you, because your eternity will depend on it. Not to mention that it will also cause a radical change in your life.

A Bible That Is Inclusivo Of The Underground

It is particularly important that we help you to understand:

“This book was also written for the Underground Nation”

…And that it is full of stories of men and women who were also the underground groups in their societies that, because of their convictions, changed history. They were tough, radical, extreme, revolutionary, disruptive, brutal and insurgent agents of change — and were often even counted as rebels (an intrinsic characteristic of every underground society). It was people like John the Baptist, who wore animal skins for clothes and confronted people openly. People like Paul, who even persecuted Christians by killing them. Yet later, he became one of the toughest disciples of Christianity

This means that the Bible itself identifies completely with those of us who are part of the underground scene. We are accepted just as we are; without losing our essence or identity as the individuals of the underground that we are. So we can and should approach God, to know Him, and with the objective of being transformed. We should move to a relationship with God, and not to a religion. In this way we can experience true peace, tranquility and liberation, as the world cannot give. In doing so, we can attain both fullness and a better life: A true destiny; a real purpose for our existence; and above all, obtain salvation and eternal life

Let us then break our old ways of thinking and realize that the Bible is not just for the mainstream; nor just only for the elderly, for children or religious people, as we once believed. But rather, it is for us too. We who once denied, rejected, cursed, hated and even blasphemed against God. Can He forgive us and manifest Himself to us? Of course He can! It is for a reason He says:

I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest to them that asked not after me.

Romans 10:20

It is clear that the Subterranean Nation, that is to say, “us,” did not seek or ask for God. On the contrary: we did not care in most cases. But now He has manifested Himself to us. So it is for that very reason we are finding Him (which is in itself already quite brutal.)

It also says,

And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:”

1 Cor. 1:28

We know perfectly well about the discrimination, or social marginalization, and contempt and disdain exhibited by a considerable sector of society against the Underground. Sometimes this happens because of the type of music which, for them, seems like chaotic noise. Other times it’s the act of dressing differently (usually in black), having extreme hair styles, or being tattooed or pierced. So those verses may very well refer to any of us, who in some way have been considered vile and have been belittled in the eyes of most people— but not in the eyes of God.

The Cross And The Underground

We must understand that we are extremely valuable to God, and that He also sent His son Jesus Christ to die for us. We too were included on that cross. Because He does not look at what man looks at; He does not look at appearances, but at the heart. We know this because according to John 3:16, He has loved us to such a degree that He gave His only begotten son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish, but have eternal life. To paraphrase it for the Underground, it would say:

"For God So Loved The Underground Scene That He Gve His Only Son As A Sacrifice, So That All Who Believe In Him Should Not Perish But Have Eternal Life"

In no way accept that it is a coincidence that this book has come to you at this exact moment in your existence. In truth, probably in a moment of crisis, questioning, doubt, depression, despair, sadness in your life or even desiring suicide; because there is no such thing as coincidences in the Kingdom of God.

The Bible is the Testament for a personal inheritance for you and your family— one which we unfortunately, out of ignorance, miss out on its benefits. But it is an inheritance that comes from someone who had to die for us, even when we were still both sinners and enemies to Him. It is He that loved us even unto death, and death on the cross. We all know who He is. And by the way, the tribal cross on the cover of this edition of the Bible… it seeks to represent precisely that inclusive sacrifice, which was also made for each one of the Tribes of the Underground.

This material you have in your hands has gone through all manner of persecution, censorship, rejection, hatred and other adversities for centuries. So we believe it perfectly fulfills all the requirements to be able to be called A Book of the Underground. Hence the nickname, “The Underground Bible.”

Tips For Reading The Bible

First of all we strongly advise that you to read this precious book with the right attitude: with the heart and not with the mind. For our minds will never be able to understand the mysteries described, but our spirits can. That is, of course, if we can believe what it says, search it with honesty, simplicity and faith. Don’t put it away, and certainly don’t hide it. For then it would be of no use. Read it thoroughly daily. We suggest you begin with the New Testament. Start from the Gospel of Matthew and read through to Revelation. Do that together with the books of Psalms and Proverbs.

Consume it as though it were the most brutal food you have ever eaten — over and over again — until you fill your spirit as many times as necessary. But above all, believe it. Even better yet, live it! For here you will find, among many other things, the answers to, “Who is God?”, “What is man?”, “What is the history between God and man?”, “What are the most extreme prayers prayable?”, “What are the most accurate prophetic words?”, “What is the greatest wisdom?”, “What is the right way to worship and serve God?”, “What are miracles?”, “What are words?”, “What are the examples and the work of God's redemption through Jesus on the cross?”, as well as, “What is the reconciliation of God with man?”, “What is the plan of salvation?” and “What it the exact description of the apocalyptic events of the last days?” Interesting, don't you think?

Value it for what it truly is: The most important gift from God to humanity, after His son Jesus Christ. Keep in mind that it is impossible for us to pay for its benefits with money or works. It is a gift through grace. But it is also a gift that we, as the Underground Nation, are worthy to take part in and discover the secrets described within it for a better and eternal life. The reason? It is for the simple fact that He paid the price for all.

Three Recommendations

In addition to reading it, we make three more recommendations: The first is to pray Talk to God from the heart with sincerity. Do it daily. But also do it any time it’s necessary. The second is to join a Christian Church that is not legalistic. Find one where the Word of God is spoken and lived. Seek one that is Christ-centric. In other words, a church where the center is Jesus Christ. The third is to share your faith with others so that many in this circle can find this great truth. Just as it was said to the demon possessed man in Gadarene: “Go home to your friends and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you.”

We also invite you to come and participate with us if you would like to join us. We are a Christian ministry of Reaching out to the Underground Scene for more than 25 years. We have both virtual and in person meetings. Additionally, we constantly have activities for The Underground Nation such as, “Exodo Fest,” “Warning Tour,” “Metal Christmas,” “Cyber Services,” evangelism outreaches with the Underground Bible and many more.

If you are interested, please visit our official website at www.labibliasubterranea.com where you will find a lot of complementary information or on Facebook/LaBibliaSubterranea and Facebook/ExodoFestival Let us know if this project has been a blessing to you, and do not hesitate to voice any questions or concerns by direct message. Also, if you need prayer, let us know DM, as well. We are here to serve you. Thank you very much, see you soon, and many Brutal Blessings.

Kind Regards

La Biblia Subterranea Organización

PS: If you have never opened your heart to Jesus and would like to meet Him, He says in Revelation 3:20 that He stands at the door and knocks, and if anyone opens the door He will come in and dine with Him. If you would like to pray a prayer to receive Jesus into your heart, pray this prayer: “Lord Jesus, at this moment I turn to you, believing that you exist. I open the door of my heart to receive You as my Lord and Savior. I ask for Your forgiveness and I repent for all my past life. From today forward, I give you my life. Cleanse me of all my sins with your precious blood, and allow me to start a new life beginning today. Help me to follow your example, use my life in whatever way I can serve you. In the name of Jesus, may it be so.