

"I had never been to a church where rock music was played and I thought: this is fantastic!
Then the Pastor said: There where you are, ask God to come into your life, ask Jesus to come into your life. I was there, with my eyes closed and I swear I felt God pushing me, I felt his presence and that's how I gave my life to God and let Jesus enter it.
The way my life changed is not that I stopped sinning, it's that I started sinning less. We all have crosses to carry, burdens with which we live but when you love the Lord, read your Bible, say your prayers...all of that, of course. soon is gone. He is a great Savior to me."

Nico McBrian

"I'm not ashamed to say I believe in Christ.
I feel proud of living my Faith in the middle of the Rock scene.
There was never more of a rebel than Jesus Christ.
You wanna talk about a rebel?
He was the ultimate"

Alice Cooper

"I think it's a matter of courage, talking about your faith. Just look at the Old Testament; all the men of faith had courage, and all the brave men had faith. Every war and every fight was not, without first a prayer."

Dave Mustain

"I had mentors who helped me, most of them told me, 'I am mentoring you to go to Jesus yourself, because He is alive'. But they told me that the big thing is that the Holy Spirit will teach you and you can go the Scriptures yourself.
There is an open door directly to God, I think that we need to get our foundation on that intimate relationship with Him ourselves, because when things come in this planet, like this virus, people get fearful but If you have your relationship with God, you will have a strong peace in the midst of devastation or loss of job or sickness. You will have this hope, this firm foundation. It is an anchor for the soul, as it says in the Bible"

Brian "Head" Welch

"I decided I had to go find the truth, so I faced it and started studying.
To be honest, I was trying to refute the Bible.
One day I was reading and I thought 'I'm reading the living Word of the living God' and that's when I realized I had to get rid of the old doctrines and find the truth for myself and that has been a very, very long journey.
After a while, I understood that I was not angry with God, I was angry with men who use false doctrines."

Blackie Lawless

"There are two routes to find the truth: One will take you to Life, which is through Jesus. And we know who he is, because we have his Word in the Bible.
There is another path that will lead you to death and you will find that path in yourself. It is found in what the world tells you, the lies the world tells us.
This is how we find those paths, of Life or death. And I want people to choose life. Let them come to know Jesus, because he represents Life
We are here to meet this great God, who created this world and knows your name and who created you, being who you are, to achieve a purpose."

John Cooper

"We were all made in the image and likeness of God, and we suffer the effects of this evil-filled world due to sin.
It is sin that separates us from God and we have all sinned.
But He sent his son Jesus to die for all of us, to save us from all sin.
It is only by the Grace of God, through Faith in the blood of Jesus that we can be saved. That is what will bring real change to this world; until this world sees, accepts and walks in true Love, which can only be found in Jesus, who is the definition of what Love is. Jesus loved the poor and weak, the adulterous woman, the hungry and sick, to the abused and ignored and that's how I love them as they were. That's the same way he loves you what are you like.
He will love you no matter your color, your problems or addictions, your culture, none of that matters."

Austin Carlile

"My Hope is that one day God will reach the ends of the Earth.
I don't change lives, music doesn't change lives, only God changes lives. Whenever we have a show, I have hope that it will change people, whether it's the thousands that will be there or just one person. "That motivates me to give my all, knowing that something great is going to happen."

Sonny Sandoval

"Thank you for never giving up on me, when I lived so selfishly. You bled, You died to be with me. Why would you do something like that, for someone like me? And now, finally, I see the reason and it's because I I was made to give myself to you, Lord.
God is so good, that he gives us new days, new years because he knows that many times we are going to need to start over and if you don't have someone to tell you, I want you to know that I am happy that you are alive today"

Lacey Sturm